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For DS- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough Part 8: Zora's Domain

Now that you've defeated King Dodongo and obtained the Spiritual Stone of Fire, you can go straight to the next dungeon. Well, not straight.... assuming you do want to check out the... Fairy Fountains, right? Well, I'm assuming you do. if you don't, skip straight to the juicy part. 
        First, since you're still in front of Dodongo's Cavern, (you are.... right?! haha. Just go back if you aren't.)  Turn around and go up the next path as if you were going to Goron City- but don't. Instead, climb onto the rock next to the red flag and blow up the boulder up here that's blocking the way.

Now that the path isn't blocked, jump to the other path and continue on your merry way. But wait! After blowing up the boulders, you'll find there is a huge volcano eruption going on! Just put up your shield so the rocks don't hurt you as they rain down. Continue down the path until you find a climbable wall. Kill the Skulltulas on it with your Slingshot, then climb up.

Avoid the owl, Kaepora Gaebora, and the doorway. Instead, bomb the bombable wall with a ... um .... bomb. In here is our first Fairy's Fountain!

Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce shaped mark, to make the Great Fairy appear! She gives you the ability to do a Spin Attack! (hold down B and release to do so.) 

For our second Fairy Fountain, backtrack ALL the way to Hyrule Castle, to where you had to round up around that hill- remember? Anyway, you might have realized that there was a huge boulder near that hill, but you couldn't do much about it. Well, now blow it up. Here's another Fairy Fountain. Do the same thing you did with the other one, but instead, she gives you a spell. It allows you to create a large forcefield of FLAMES. It's called Din's Fire, and it's pretty useful for tricky bosses you may or may not fight in the future...

Okay! Now that you've got those two things, leave out to Hyrule Field. Next to Death Mountain is a stream. Follow it all the way up until you get to a cave. Go in.

Now, go up the path (you'll be confronted by the owl) and blow up the boulders. Continue up the path. Here's a pudgy guy eating beans. Oh, and he agrees to sell you some! Plant them in the soft soil all around that you can find. Although it's going to take 7 years (yep, 7 years) for them to grow, it's worth it. They'll help you access hidden places...

Next, jump to the river's other side. As you go up the path, you'll be faced with an Octorok. Really easy to defeat, these octopus-like creatures are the water version of a Deku Scrub. Defeat them just like you would their Deku counterpart.
          Jump to the river's other side again, then follow the left path. Jump over the small gap you'll see up here. Keep following the path until you get to a narrow bridge. Go across.
       Up here, get on the platform on the right, and keep jumping around until you get to the platform closest to the waterfall. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce-shaped mark to part the waterfall. Jump in!

This place is Zora's Domain. Go up the staircase... ALL the way up.  Aaaaand you'll see fat King Zora sittin' up here. Ummmmm. Okay. Take a left through the doorway here and you'll be on a cliff overlooking the water. Talk to the Zora, who offers to play a diving game. This is mandatory, so accept.

It's 20 Rupees, and it's pretty easy. You must collect all the Rupees that he throws into the water below. When it's time to start, jump down off the edge and press 'a' to dive and collect Rupees. It is very likely that you will get them all on your first try.

He'll present you with the Silver Scale, which makes you dive longer (hold your breath longer, dive deeper, etc.) See? mandatory. Ta-da! Now, jump down, back into the water, and locate the deep hole/doorway thing. Go in:

Lake Hylia. Go up to the water's edge and Navi will fly over to something. What IS IT?!?!?!?!?! I'm dying of CURIOSITY!!!!!!!!!! Now that you have the scale, you can dive into the watery depths and... A note? In a bottle? ??? Um... Okay... Anyway, we can do some stuff here that's pretty cool- who wants a new ocarina song? ...  okay. Head over to the grass with a fence & a scarecrow nearby. Talk to the scarecrow closest to you when you first walk up (the lower one) and he'll ask you to play him a song. Any song is okay. Any random number combo. But hey, don't sing him Zelda's Lullaby, the Sun's Song, Saria's Song, or Epona's Song. Make one up. Er, you'll see why. Later.

Image result for ocarina of time learning the scare crows song

That's about it, besides the Fishing pond, which you can go to if you want to; and the soil for planting those Magic Beans. Dive back down & through the hole. Now it's time to ... see King Zora. Yes, the fat one. > Shudder. <
     When you're near him, go up the stairs so you're now in front of him practically. Pull out the bottle and he scoot... scoot... scoot... scoots aside to make the doorway be un-blocked. That's nice, but don't go through it yet. Instead, find the shop on the bottom story and buy a fish for about 200 Rupees I think (the cheaper way, and useful way if you haven't got a wallet able to carry that much yet; is to catch one in shallow water with your Empty Bottle.) NOW go through that passage.

There is a HUGE fish here. Bigger than King Zora, yeah. Just GET OVER THE FACT THAT HE IS SO FAT! ... Any way, before you venture into the dark depths of... fish's mouth... there's a fairy fountain we can access. Swim up to the northeast piece of land and explode the boulders.

You know the drill: play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce to make the Great Fairy appear. Bam! She gives you Farore's Wind. This is an interesting form of magic as it allows you to 'teleport'... But it can only be used in dungeons. Use it at the beginning of a dungeon, then you can go there whenever you like- but you have have to be in a dungeon. :-(

Now go out of there aaaaaand back to the huge fish. Named Jabu-Jabu. Um. Okaaaay then. Pour the fish out in front of him. Lord Jabu-Jabu inhales it! Along with you! (seriously, TINY fish. Maybe he should have accepted ten...)

Before we get in-depth here, here's what we're doing this for. You may have heard around Zora's Domain that Princess Ruto of the Zoras has gone missing, so we're looking for her. Why in a fish, you may ask? Apparently she was feeding him when he sucked up her mother's precious stone. She went to look for it. There's the story, folks! Tune in next time for 'Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly'!


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