For DS- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough Part 3: Parasitic Armored Arachnid, Queen Gohma
In this door, you'll find.... gasp... an... empty room?! Don't be fooled- Use the view button to look up- gasp! It's the Parasitic Armored Arachnid, Queen Gohma!!!!

She's actually quite easy, really. Just wait for her to climb up the ceiling, and, before she lays her eggs, slingshot her near the eyeball. She'll fall down, vulnerable. Slash at her eyeball a few times with your sword, then she'll run away. Repeat this process about 1/2 more times.... And she'll disintegrate, leaving a heart piece. Collect it and go into the blue portal. You'll be transported to the Great Deku Tree, who explains that the evil Gerudo Ganondorf cursed him! Then he gives you the Kokiri Emerald, the Spirital Stone of the Forest! After a short speech, he passes away....
She's actually quite easy, really. Just wait for her to climb up the ceiling, and, before she lays her eggs, slingshot her near the eyeball. She'll fall down, vulnerable. Slash at her eyeball a few times with your sword, then she'll run away. Repeat this process about 1/2 more times.... And she'll disintegrate, leaving a heart piece. Collect it and go into the blue portal. You'll be transported to the Great Deku Tree, who explains that the evil Gerudo Ganondorf cursed him! Then he gives you the Kokiri Emerald, the Spirital Stone of the Forest! After a short speech, he passes away....
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