Now that you're past the guard in Kakariko Village, you can walk up the path here. But be careful- tiny spiders called Tektites. They jump at you and are very annoying, but they can be easily defeated.

Once they're all dead, continue up the path. You'll see a huge cave- Dodongo's Cavern- that's covered in rocks. You won't need to bother with it for now. Instead, turn around and continue up the ramp. Some 'rocks' may be on this path- but they're not rocks! They're Gorons, troll-like, rock-eating creatures. They're pretty friendly. Up the path a little ways, you may see a large rolling rock. Avoid it, for it will knock you off the mountain.
In this little clearing a little ways ahead, head to the right side of the flag and go down the small path.

Go through the door with the banner above it to get to Goron City!
In here, jump to the VERY bottom level of this place, where you should see a rug, two torches, and a sealed shut stone door.

Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of this door. This causes Darunia, leader of the Gorons, to open the door.

He's disappointed because he thought you were a royal messenger. He won't even tell you how to get the second Spirital Stone! ...

He won't talk to you again, so just give up. But wait... a nearby Goron says he loves to dance to a song from the forest. You don't suppose Saria could teach you that song... do you?
Instead of retracing your steps ALL the way back to Kokiri Forest, simply light a Deku Stick on a nearby torch. Light the torches as you go, keeping along the right wall, going up the staircase and around the corner. You should see some boulders and... bombs?! Yes! Use your torch to light the bombs... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whew. Go in the newfound passage. You will be in a maze. Go in a random door, and if it leads somewhere else, go out another random door. You're bound to get 'lost'. Don't worry, you'll be back in the Kokiri Forest. Turn around and go back in the maze- the Lost Woods.
1. Take the right passage when you first walk in.

2. In here, there's a tree with a bullseye hanging from it. Shoot the middle of the bullseye three times to get the Big Nut Bag- it'll let you carry more Deku Seeds (You can acquire these by chopping down a bush. They're ammo for your slingshot.)

3. From this area with the tree, go: Left, right, left, forward, left, then right.

4. In this new area, the Sacred Forest Meadow, walk forward until a new enemy appears- a Wolfos! Don't worry, it's easily defeated by targeting it and keeping your shield up, waiting for the right time to attack- Right after he attacks or wait for him to turn around and slice his tail. Do this 2-3 times to defeat him. This causes to bars to lift. Now you can go through.

5. Round the corner and you'll see a Mad Scrub, a variation of a Deku Scrub. Defeat it by hitting it with your sword- don't just reflect the blows. Alternatively, DO reflect its blows, but hit it while it's running around.

6. Using the mini-map on the bottom of the screen, make your way through the maze. There's several deads ends, but it's pretty easy to figure out. You can even swim to the other side when you come to a little water-filled alcove.

7. You'll come across some stairs and a ladder eventually. Go up the stairs, defeating the two Mad Scrubs along the way.

8. Go up the next set of stairs. Wow, that background music is getting loud... Up here, you'll realize it's not background music- it's Saria on her flute! You've reached your destination...

Talk to her, and she teaches you Saria's Song! Woo-Hoo!

Now, take the shortcut back to Goron City- it's easy to find, just keep taking paths in the woods until you find a huge stone door- or get there the hard way. Either way, end up at Goron City.
Go back to where you found Darunia. his door is still open, so BARGE in and play Saria's Song for him. He starts dancing... who knew a fat rock-eating troll creature could bust a move like that?!

Okay. Since you made him happy, he'll give you a special bracelet- the Goron's Bracelet- which helps you pick up bombs. Wonderful! Now exit Goron City and turn right when you exit. Here's a little overhang with Bomb Flowers- they act just like bombs. Use your bracelet, which gives you strength, to pick it up and throw it over the cliff. The rocks explode, clearing the path to Dodongo's Cavern...

Once they're all dead, continue up the path. You'll see a huge cave- Dodongo's Cavern- that's covered in rocks. You won't need to bother with it for now. Instead, turn around and continue up the ramp. Some 'rocks' may be on this path- but they're not rocks! They're Gorons, troll-like, rock-eating creatures. They're pretty friendly. Up the path a little ways, you may see a large rolling rock. Avoid it, for it will knock you off the mountain.
In this little clearing a little ways ahead, head to the right side of the flag and go down the small path.

Go through the door with the banner above it to get to Goron City!
In here, jump to the VERY bottom level of this place, where you should see a rug, two torches, and a sealed shut stone door.

Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of this door. This causes Darunia, leader of the Gorons, to open the door.

He's disappointed because he thought you were a royal messenger. He won't even tell you how to get the second Spirital Stone! ...

He won't talk to you again, so just give up. But wait... a nearby Goron says he loves to dance to a song from the forest. You don't suppose Saria could teach you that song... do you?
Instead of retracing your steps ALL the way back to Kokiri Forest, simply light a Deku Stick on a nearby torch. Light the torches as you go, keeping along the right wall, going up the staircase and around the corner. You should see some boulders and... bombs?! Yes! Use your torch to light the bombs... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whew. Go in the newfound passage. You will be in a maze. Go in a random door, and if it leads somewhere else, go out another random door. You're bound to get 'lost'. Don't worry, you'll be back in the Kokiri Forest. Turn around and go back in the maze- the Lost Woods.
1. Take the right passage when you first walk in.

2. In here, there's a tree with a bullseye hanging from it. Shoot the middle of the bullseye three times to get the Big Nut Bag- it'll let you carry more Deku Seeds (You can acquire these by chopping down a bush. They're ammo for your slingshot.)

3. From this area with the tree, go: Left, right, left, forward, left, then right.

4. In this new area, the Sacred Forest Meadow, walk forward until a new enemy appears- a Wolfos! Don't worry, it's easily defeated by targeting it and keeping your shield up, waiting for the right time to attack- Right after he attacks or wait for him to turn around and slice his tail. Do this 2-3 times to defeat him. This causes to bars to lift. Now you can go through.

5. Round the corner and you'll see a Mad Scrub, a variation of a Deku Scrub. Defeat it by hitting it with your sword- don't just reflect the blows. Alternatively, DO reflect its blows, but hit it while it's running around.

6. Using the mini-map on the bottom of the screen, make your way through the maze. There's several deads ends, but it's pretty easy to figure out. You can even swim to the other side when you come to a little water-filled alcove.

7. You'll come across some stairs and a ladder eventually. Go up the stairs, defeating the two Mad Scrubs along the way.

8. Go up the next set of stairs. Wow, that background music is getting loud... Up here, you'll realize it's not background music- it's Saria on her flute! You've reached your destination...

Talk to her, and she teaches you Saria's Song! Woo-Hoo!

Now, take the shortcut back to Goron City- it's easy to find, just keep taking paths in the woods until you find a huge stone door- or get there the hard way. Either way, end up at Goron City.
Go back to where you found Darunia. his door is still open, so BARGE in and play Saria's Song for him. He starts dancing... who knew a fat rock-eating troll creature could bust a move like that?!
Okay. Since you made him happy, he'll give you a special bracelet- the Goron's Bracelet- which helps you pick up bombs. Wonderful! Now exit Goron City and turn right when you exit. Here's a little overhang with Bomb Flowers- they act just like bombs. Use your bracelet, which gives you strength, to pick it up and throw it over the cliff. The rocks explode, clearing the path to Dodongo's Cavern...

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