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For DS- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough Part 4: Finding Zelda & Kakariko Village Goodies

Now that you've defeated the boss, Gohma, you can find... Zelda! Go out of the pathway, killing the Deku Babas along the way, and... you'll find the same annoying guard, named Mido, blaming you for the Deku Tree's death. Whatever. Pass him, and go to the other side. Now there's no more guard here, so go through this door. you'll find yourself on a bridge above the Lost Woods. Walk to other side- but wait! Saria (remember her? she's the girl who praised you about your fairy) appears. She says she'll miss you... Then she gives you the Fairy Ocarina! Too bad you don't know any songs... Yet.

Image result for saria giving you the fairy ocarina

Now you're free to go. During the cutscene, Link exits the forest...
        Out here is the huge Hyrule Field. Walk ahead, then turn right when you reach the brick wall- looks like a fortress, kind of. You'll see the castle! This is where you'll find Zelda...
        Make sure it's still bright out when you reach the castle- Time actually passes in this game, after all. If it's night, you'll have to wait until morning to find Zelda.
        When it's day, go through the drawbridge. When you enter, keep going until you reach the market square. In here, go directly ahead, into the next path. This leads to the castle.
        You'll find yourself in a little... mountain-y rocky area. Go up the nearby vines to be purposely caught by the guard - when you reappear at the start, you'll see a little redhead girl standing in front of a vine. Talk to her.  She'll tell you that her dad fell asleep and the only way to wake him up is with a chicken. That's nice, whatever... Oh, you want me to wake up your dad? Okay, hand over the chicken... Ummmm, that is an egg... Oh, it hasn't hatched yet? It needs a day to hatch? Whatever. Hand it over.

Image result for malon giving you the eggImage result for malon giving you the cucco egg

Now she leaves. Climb up the vines, and- Oh! It's a Gossip Stone! These rocks tell you gossip when you hit them with your sword. Okay. Pass it and drop down the square-shaped hole. Down here, go through the door. This is the tricky part:  See that hill rounding up the corner there? Go up it, but not directly; instead, sort of round up around it, so that you are no where near any guards. Keep going until you see some climbable vines - If you're playing on the N64, there will be a rock wall. in both cases, climb up it and... oh. Another Gossip Stone. Mmmm. Actually, you'll find these a lot.
      Jump off this platform, either into/on the shore of the water. Get in the water, and swim to the right hand side until you reach a tiny path leading out of the water in the corner of the moat. Get out.
      If it is night, wait for it to turn day. If it is already day, the chicken, or Cucco, already hatched - if not, wait for it to. Then pull it out in front of the fat sleeping guy - he wakes up!

Image result for malon giving you the cucco egg

Okay. He runs away. Now, see those two blocks? Push one off the edge, pushing and pulling with A, then push the other on top. Tada! Now you can go on them and jump off into the crawlspace with a waterfall coming out of it.
      Since it's daytime, no guard will be at the entrance. So, just walk through the maze, avoiding guards, until you get to Zelda's garden. Talk to her, and this will happen:

"Do you have the stone? (choose yes) Blah blah blah Ganondorf blah blah blah suspicious blah blah blah help"

Then she'll give you a letter. An autograph from the princess of Hyrule! Well, not quite. But it just gives you "permission of the royal family". Whatever that is.

Image result for ocarina of time giving the guard zelda's letter kakariko village

When you go to leave, Zelda's bodyguard, a rather scary looking woman, appears. Don't worry- she's nice. She teaches you your first ocarina song- Zelda's Lullaby! Then she transports you outside, and tells you to go to Kakariko Village.

Image result for impa teaching the zelda's lullaby
Image result for impa teaching the zelda's lullaby

So go to Kakariko Village - that big volcano. There's actually steps leading up to the village, which makes it a lot easier to get there.
            In here, do you want to get a new ocarina song? If so, then LEAVE. ... Because you can ONLY get the song at NIGHT, and time doesn't pass in Kakariko Village.As soon as it turns night, go back into Kakariko Village. Walk forward until you reach the huge windmill, and  the Cucco pen with no Cuccos currently in it. There should be a pathway in the corner of the village. Go in. Walk until you find the graveyard! This part is hard, so here's what you do:

1. Walk up to the very end of the graveyard, to the last tomb. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce-shaped mark. A bolt of lightning hits the tombstone, revealing a hole- go in.

2. Walk down the ramp until you find a room with bats. Kill all five with the Slingshot, which causes the door to open. Go through.

3. In here you'll see some zombies, called ReDeads. They're, um, dead, but if you get close they will instantly kill you. Avoid them, which may mean walking through the slimy stuff or being VERY careful. Go through the door when you reach the other side.

4. There's going to be a pit of slimy stuff with a narrow walkway in here. Walk up the path, up to the huge stone. This has the notes to the Sun's Song inscribed on it. Whip out your Ocarina to learn it. This song can turn day to night, turn night to day, or stun the pesky ReDeads.

5. Okay. Now retrace your steps and step on the colorful pad to exit.

There's a couple more goodies we can get around here before we go to the next dungeon. First is the Hylian shield. This is a shield made of metal, so it's more protective and can't be destroyed.
            Go to the exit of the graveyard, but don't leave. Instead, turn around and see the very first row of tombstones. One tombstone has three yellow flowers in front. Pull/push this one out of place and fall down this hole. Open the treasure chest here to get the Hylian Shield.

There's one more song to get: Epona's song. Leave Kakariko Village and go to that fortress looking thing. You should find a path in the side of the wall. Go in....
          Oh look! It's just a nice pretty farm! Keep going until you reach the big open area where there's horses. Standing in the middle is the little girl you met earlier, named Malon. Speak to Malon multiple times until she finally agrees to teach you Epona's Song! This will be needed much, much later in the game.
             The last goodie is an Empty Bottle. You can store things in here. To get it, exit the ranch and go back in to make the directions easier. As soon as you walk in, turn to the first door on your left. Inside is Talon, Malon's fat sleepy dad. Agree to his challenge when you talk to him, and if you win, you get an Empty Bottle! Here's what you do.
           You have a time limit, and your objective is to find all three Super Cuccos amid a bunch of regular Cuccos. When Talon sends them away, they land in the three corners (beside the corner leading to a staircase), so search those general areas. If you pick up a regular Cucco, throw it somewhere where you probably won't pick them up again. When you find it go to the next corner and so on.
      Alternate Strategy: Before talking to Talon, throw all the Cuccos in one area. Then all the Super Cuccos will be very easy to find. Talon will give you an Empty Bottle if you win - but it's not so empty as it's full of Lon Lon Milk! If you drink this, it restores your health!

Image result for talon gives you lon lon milk
That's all the goodies for now, but we can go into the next dungeon- Dodongo's Cavern. Go to Kakariko Village. In here, head up the steps to your left right when you walk in. You'll see a guard up here, after walking up the two sets of stairs. Whip out Zelda's Note to the guard- and he'll open the door for you...


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