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For DS - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough Part 12 - The Forest Temple

Now that you have Epona and the Hookshot (and the new song, the Song of Storms, but you don't need that yet), you can start the first temple - the Forest one.
The Forest Temple, I mean.
Go to Kokiri Forest. You'll realize that the whole place is pretty much overrun with monsters, and nobody hiding in their house knows you because you're so big... okay...
Go to the Lost Woods and start going to Sacred Forest Meadow; go right, left, right, left, except for you can't go left on the last one, because Mido is there. I don't know why he chose a random spot to guard, but anyway, he'll tell you he needs to know you know Saria if you talk to him, so play Saria's Song to make him stop his yammerin' and let ya through.

Continue on through, and if you don't remember the Sacred Forest Meadow path, see my last walkthrough...
Once you get there, you'll see there are tons of Moblins here, a classic Zelda enemy.... Kill them with the Hookshot when their back is turned, or slip  past 'em when they charge at you. Either way, at the end of the maze, you'll see the giant Club Moblin...

He's stationary (he never moves!!!!), so slip under or past his legs, then slash at his.... backside... with your sword to kill him. Collect the Rupees if desired, then continue, my friend.

In the clearing, Link fondly remembers his friend Saria.... very fondly... maybe sheds a few tears... when Sheik appears and ruins the moment! Thanks a lot! annyway, she gives you a handy song which allows you to return to this clearing whenever you need to. It's called to Minuet of the Forest.

Thanks, Sheik! Now I'm not mad at you anymore for ruining everything! ..... okay....
Once you're ready, Hookshot the branch above the broken steps to get on it, then jump down onto the steps and go inside the doorway.

I would recommend saving your progress here, in case, oh, your mom happens to interrupt and say it's time to get off because it's time for dinner, but you're right in the  middle of a cutscene and you don't want to turn it off because you didn't save - so please, save your progress.
okey-dokey. Inside the room you just entered, I recommend killing the two Wolfos that pop up once you approach the doorway before doing anything else.

Once they're dead, climb up the vines to the right and jump down onto the tree branch below. You can kill the Gold Skulltula here with the Hookshot if you'd like. Make your way to the tree branch on the other side and walk down the branch to get to the chest. A Small Key is inside.

Jump down and go through the door that previously had Wolfos blocking it. It's a small hallway down here, and you can kill the Skulltula that drops from the ceiling with only one hit from the Hookshot. Then, once it is dead, go through the next door.

This part is just weird, man. There's four torches in this room, and these random ghost things come out of nowhere, pick the fire up, and float away (oh, and if you look where they went, they literally are gone. Okaaay...?).

Go straight forward to the door up ahead at the opposite side of the room and climb the ledge (crazy sentence!). Snag the Gold Skulltula visible here if you want, them proceed.

This next room has a Blue Bubble  in it, pretty much a skull on (blue) fire. Knock into it with your shield to stun it, then slash away. Go through the door up ahead.

Okay. This room has two Stalfos in it. These giant, armor-clad... skeleton... thingies.... are very tricky enemies, and your best bet is to tackle them one at a time. Z-target them, keep your shield up, dodge, and slash when you see an open spot.

Once they're both defeated, a chest appears with another Small Key in it. Nab it, and backtrack back to the room that had the ghosts in it.
Go through the northwest-ish door, which has a giant blue block (called a Time Block) in front of it. You know the drill, play the Song of Time to make it move.
It unblocks a door; go through.

Here you'll find a Deku Baba. Kill it. Okay, some vines with Skulltulas on them. Kill them with the Hookshot, and head up the vines.

Go through the door up here, kill the Blue Bubble, and get the Dungeon Map from the chest that appears.

Enter the next door, where you'll find a Deku Baba. Kill it, and Hookshot the square tile with a circle on it on the above ledge. Whenever you see a tile like this, you can Hookshot it to go to it (or bring it toward you). You'll land on the ledge with a switch. ... Step on the switch.

The switch makes the water in the nearby well drain when you step on it. Okay. Jump all the way down into the water from the ledge and climb out. Wheeeeeeeeee.

Climb down the well....

...and open the chest on the other side of the well to get another Small Key - which is three  now, in case you're a weirdo like me who likes to keep track of things like that.

Climb back up the well and backtrack all the way back to the room that had the four ghosts in it (the main room). Now head through the locked door to the left (west), because now we have the Small Keys! And we can open any locked door! Yay!

Kill the Skulltula and go through the room with candles on either side. In here, it's a giant maze of blocks, but you need to clear a path for yourself. Here's how.

1. Pull the blue block to the corner of the room.

2. Push from the left side all the way back...

3. Go through the previously blocked doorway and push the block into the hole where it will 'click' into place.

4. Climb the previously blocked ladder and turn the corner to find a red block. Push it into the wall until it can go no further.

5. Go down the ladder again and climb onto the blue block. Jump onto the ledge.

6. Turn the corner to find the red block. Push until it clicks into place. 

Climb onto the block and find the room with an eye switch, Blue Bubbles, and a door:

Now you'll see two Blue Bubbles. Kill them and go through the locked door (using the Small Key, of course).

This room is... very twisty, twisted, twist-acious. Go on through, but see how twisty it is? It's just so.... twisty. 

In the next room, be quick, because if you stay in one spot for too long, a Wall Master will drop from the ceiling (should be a Ceiling Master...), grab you, cause you to lose a heart, and put you at the very beginning of the temple. We will come back here later for the Boss Key...

Jump on the platform, then quickly jump right and continue down the stairs and through the door in this room.

Okay. In here, there's a huge hole (be careful not to fall down!) and a Stalfos. Once you defeat the Stalfos, though, a platform fills up the hole and two more Stalfos appear! Oh, yeah, and if you don't defeat the second one quick enough, the first one comes back to life! Ugh! Anyway, once they are both defeated, open the chest that appears to get the Fairy Bow! 

Go back to the room where you fought the two Blue Bubbles and shoot the Eye Switch with the newly acquired Fairy Bow, which causes the twisty room to untwist! (a shame, for I liked the twistiness...) so when you go back through the door, it's straight.

Go to the small room from earlier. This time it's at a different angle and when you drop down, open the huge ornate chest you may have seen on the wall before to find the Boss Key!

Drop down the hole and kill the Blue Bubbles to open the door. Go through. Kill the Deku Baba and walk into the alcove... and into the shadows....'cuz there's a door there, so, yeah... go through the door and kill the Floormaster. On the, uh, floor. Once hit, it turns into three mini Floormasters. Kill them, and grab the Small Key (gasp) from the chest that appears.

Exit and go back to the main room. Get all the way back to the room with the eye switch and shoot it again to make it re-open to re-twist the hallway - that's more like it!

Walk through the twistiness, avoiding the Ceiling - er, Wallmaster, jumping on the platform... and get back to the room where you walked down the staircase - you might have heard a giggling in this room, and as you examine the picture frames on the walls, you'll see they're giggling.
Defeating Joelle
The orange ghost in the picture moves like, well, a ghost, to the other picture frames. Shoot them with the Fairy Bow. Shoot all three, and...

... the ghost will appear and float down... get to her, and defeat her. Don't z-target her, or she'll disappear, so just fight her and keep your shield up like you're fighting a Poe in the Kakariko Village Graveyard.

Open the chest that appears to get a Small Key. I am SO surprised here! Go through the door, and then the next door in here.
Defeating Beth
In here, do the same exact thing with the pictures of the blue ghost and defeat her, then go through the door at the top of this room - using your very rare-to-find Small Key.

Okay, this room has some Wall Masters too, plus it's twisted as well. Okay, this game has some twisted logic, am I right? (get it? twisted? ... 'cause the hallways are... twisted!) So jump down and climb up the nearby ladder to get to the door on your right; go through.

In here, kill the Green Bubbles, which are literally the exact same except for their flames blink in and out and, well, they're green. Oh, and they're stupid as they float in circles.

Go to the very end and use the Small Key on the locked door here.

In here, we need to melt the eye switch ... for some reason (couldn't ya just shoot it normally?!), and the method I would recommend is to stand on a platform away from it and shoot it, shooting your arrow through the firey torch.

Once it's melted, the corridor you came through twists and a hole appears in the floor. Go back through the door and jump through the hole.

This area is ... I just ... annoying, to very, very much understate it. Weapons like the bow or Hookshot behave crazily and you can't z-target - the camera angle is funky - but, bear with me, it's almost over ... well, no it isn't ... oh, yeah, and the ceiling falls, so there's that too.... once it falls, it reveals a new path.

Tiles with dark shadows on them have Skulltulas that drop from the ceiling above. Avoid those squares if you can, and make your way to the other side of the room. Step on the switch, which (switch - which; rhymes) opens a door. Find the door on the other side of the hall and go through.
Defeating Amy
This Poe is different. She proposes a puzzle! NO, it's not optional. Shoot the huge picture of Amy with the Fairy Bow, still avoiding the Skulltula shadows, and five blocks will fall from nowhere (really, if you looked up before, they were, liike, not there.) and you have to get them in the correct order.

Actually, you only need four; the blue block near the middle is useless. Drag it away and align the four other blocks correctly within the time limit (70 seconds). If you mess up or run out of time, exit and go back in to start over.

Once done properly, Amy appears - defeat her like you did her sisters Joelle and Beth and continue through the door that opens.

Kill the Skulltula in the hallway and continue through the next door. Now that you're back in the main room, you'll see Meg, the fourth and final Poe Sister, crying over the loss of her sisters! Wow! Who knew creepy purple ghosts had feelings? ... Maybe her wimpy self just needed help trying to kill you ... which she won't!
.... But she fights different from her sisters. So here's the deal: she can make illusions of herself and you have to  find the real one! Sounds like fun, right? Yeah! Let's get her!
(I'm trying to be positive even though this is like, the creepiest!)

Okay. If you can't shoot the real Meg quick enough, she will hit you, taking away half a heart! Really, the real Meg will spin in a circle one more time than the fake Megs, so all you have to do is z-target that real one and hit it with the bow. Do this five times, then she dies.

Her death unlocks an elevator. Go down it.

In this room, you need to push on the great big handle-thingies on the sides of the room which opens up two alcoves; go in them to find some chests with arrows and such in them.

Keep turning until you can see a switch and step on it. Keep pushing and stepping on the switches until the boss door opens. Go in with the Boss Key.

So, walk up the steps and into the roped-off ... boxing ... arena ... ? You're going to ... box? Go into the arena you're not scared of anything go go go!!!!! You're Link the .... L... lllll.... Lagnificent! Aaaaaaand nobody's there. They're scared of you. Aw, man, I was ready to fight. Leave. BUT YOU CAN'T!!!

...... Why not? You'll see why. Because guess who appears as soon as you go to leave? In this corner, weighing .... ??? pounds, is Link the Lagnificent! And on this ceiling, weighing 1,000,000,000 pounds or something like that plus his horse; is ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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